Sunday, April 11, 2010

Snow Day!

This is what we woke up to one day in February of this year. We actually had a snow day in Longview. The National Weather Service reported that we got 7 inches here in Longview. The school where I work was closed, but Jeremy had to get out in the snow to get to work. Thankfully, he made it safely. The only bad thing to come out of the beautiful day was the my school had to make up the day on Good Friday. It was awful working on that day!Notice below how Jeremy slid sideways down our driveway!
Our backyard.
Jeremy making a huge snowball.

1 comment:

mirandajones803 said...

Was that snow not CRAZY?! We were already out for something that Friday, so thankfully no makeup days. ALthough-the crazy temps made alot of the pipes burst throughout the parish, and some schools did get out for a freebie day!

Glad to see updates! I almost choked on my coffee when I saw a new background! HAHA!